星期二, 八月 3

访谈-fashion icon of the year(2)

WEWE(假装开心):Miss QQ,may I ask you something?

Miss QQ(优雅的翘腿,并把双腿合拢斜放):Of course you can .

WEWE: Miss QQ, you prefer the conversation to be held in Chinese or English?

Miss QQ: Hokkien can arr???

WEWE(觉得QQ怎么这样无聊):Sorry, our magazine is not published in Hokkien.(其实是WEWE自己懒得将福建式华语翻译成正统的英文或华语)

Miss QQ:Then never mind, I also “nose” how to speak in “Engelisi”larr…

WEWE(what the hell she is talking about?!):Okay, I agreed with you. Erm ,Miss QQ, may I know more about your career path?

Miss QQ: Of course larr! I am horr begin my modeling erm since I am 10.This is because harr I lik 2 snap photo lorr and I also like 2 be caught photo by others lorr..liao harr,I also wan 2 earn more money lorr…u know larr,I wan 2 support my boyfriend marr. A boh horr,he dun wan me liao..Then I wil be sad sad lorr…So,I begin modeling.

WEWE(Wat the hell she is crapping about?!!!):Then have you face any problems in your career?

Miss QQ: Aiya, u dun noe only arr..i tell u “quiet,quiet” harr…the modeling agent very hamsap de lorr…he is rily a big big n fierce fierce mia color wolf..he always like 2 touch my backside n my “balls”(?!)I noe larr..my “balls” is 2 “shine”(?!)But he said worr,he love my pink singlet n pink mini skirt “bery bery”muchee…I noe larr is his stupid n fucking excuse,then I slap him!!!

WEWE(你以为你的“balls”是stars mehh?!):Then,what had happened afterwards?

Miss QQ: Then he fired me! The” situpid”(?!!)agent fire me! U noe wat?He told me go back to my hometown 2 plant the corn.Then my “enimy”(?!!)in my company horr said:”soli lorr,u hav being chase(?!)back 2 ur home town n fry the cuttle-fish. I am so so so sad!

WEWE(fry the cuttle-fish?!我还fry your “balls”lehh!):I am sorry to hear about that. Then may I ask something about your efforts in beginning your own brand?

Miss QQ:Ooo..i think I have to thankiu to my dear dear lorr…he arr “berry berry”support me one,U noe?!

WEWE(忍无可忍):Ya, I knew. I am so sorry to say that my English is not so good. Not as advanced as yours. So can you please speak in Chinese? I hope that it would not cause your inconvenience.

Miss QQ: 当然可以啦!我不介意的啦!CINCAI啦!


Miss QQ:我很SOLI lorr.我“发明”(?!!!)的品牌不叫“自身”(OMG?!~)而是叫QQ喽!希望你不要见怪,多多包涵哈!嗯,困难时一定有的了啦!想当年,我真的是忙到……(忽然没有下文)可是哈,这一切真的是很很恨值得的喽!原因是因为这样的。你知道吗?我的dear dear horr很不喜欢粉红色的 worr。可是我却喜欢到……(又再没有下文)所以喽!为了证明给他看桃红色是无敌的!我便“含性奴苦”的创办了“QQ”这个piang牌。(?!)


Miss QQ : 因为粉红色是初恋的颜色。想当年,我是因为看到我的dear dear穿着粉红色的长裤,忽然觉得他很有气质。而且,你“鸡不鸡道”(唉!可怜的WEWE),他连衬衫都是桃红色的lehh!我真的真的觉得男生穿全身粉红是最有气质滴!哈哈。后来horr,我还送了他粉红色的眼镜lehh!而且hor,他的镜片还是粉红色滴!(天啊~)


Miss QQ:我想,他大概是对我一见钟情(一见钟情?我还一见中枪lehh!)所以喽!他嘛穿这样的style喽!应该是为了引起我的注意吧!哎哟!你“鸡不鸡道”他是来自新加坡的。(抱歉,本作者没有毁谤新加坡的意思)而我lehh 是来自槟城的(抱歉,本文作者也没有诋毁槟城的意思)。然后,我们嘛在DARC College认识了。可是,我们觉得Darc college 像kanasai。可是Darc college确实我们回忆存在最最最多的地方。

WEWE(我没有想要揭发你情史的意思):QQ小姐,你真幸福。呵呵。好吧!由于时间上的关系,我们今天的访问就到此结束吧!(唉!可怜的WEWE)Miss QQ,真的十分感谢你今天能够抽空接受本杂志的访问。

Miss QQ:You are “welkiam”(晕~)呼呼呼。


